How do you use Q Magnets?
- How do I know which Q Magnet to use?
- Since the placement of Q Magnets is critical to its efficacy, how does one find the specific placement?
- Are there any side effects?
- How to clean Q Magnets
- How to separate strong Q Magnets that are stuck together?
- When does the Q Magnet quit working?
- Can I travel on planes while wearing the Q Magnet devices?
- Can I use my computer while I am wearing Q Magnet?
- Why are there arrows on the Q Magnet devices?
- Can anyone treat his or her self?
- I have more pain when I am wearing the device, what does that mean?
- Can I wear too many of these devices at one time?
- Since these devices are magnetic, when should I be extra careful using them?
- If I use the devices all the time, will I become dependent on them?
- If the Q Magnet device stops working, what does that mean?
- I am allergic to all metals, can I still wear the Q Magnet devices?
- Can a Q Magnet erase video tapes and computer discs?
- Is the EquineQ model just for horses?
- If my dog or horse suffers from chronic pain, will the Q Magnet help?
- Can I wear Q Magnets when I am pregnant?